Pod Chums

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I’d Rather Be Podcasting: Why We Love Podcasting

Work, taxes, the Never Ending Story of dishes and laundry… Yeah, we’d rather be podcasting. The fact is, podcasters podcast because we effin love podcasting. That is why we started Pod Chums, a creative community of podcasters who would rather be in front of a microphone than anywhere else.

But why do we love podcasting so much? Let us count the ways…

Podcasting allows us to explore the topics we love

Years ago, only those with FCC licenses and a channel on the radio airwaves could get their voices out there. Politics, religion and sports dominated. One would have to be an airwave pirate like Christian Slater in “Pump Up the Volume!” to discuss other topics. With podcasting, anyone with any interest can now be heard. My pal Milo and I discuss various topics about the 80s and 90s along with our friends Katie and Amy. Milo also discusses acting and indie films. You can create a podcast show about underwater basket weaving if that’s your thing. The point is, podcasting allows anyone to discuss topics they love and get their voice out there to others who love the topic worldwide!

Podcasting Entertains and Informs

Podcasts are entertaining. Podcasts can also be immensely informing, telling us things we might not hear in corporate of government media. While big companies have plenty of podcasts, indie podcasters can compete with them with quality entertaining and informative content. There are so many topics that corporate media are either unwilling or unable to cover. Independent podcasters are not restricted. We can amuse, educate or even displease without the reprisal of board members or shareholders. You can’t cancel us!

Podcasting builds communities

Podcasting is a great way to build communities and connect with people with similar interests and beliefs across the planet. Podcasts can also be a way for people of differing values to debate. No longer are we dependent on corporate media to dictate our digital communities through mass media and social network algorithms. Podcasting is a democratized medium. Through their own efforts, independent podcasters can build an audience and communities independent of The Man. Podcasting can bring like-minded communities, and even opposing groups, together.

So, What is Pod Chums?

Its precisely podcasting’s ability to build topical communities why Pod Chums was created. Our podcast topic is… podcasting itself. Whatever topic or agenda we’re talking about, we love podcasting. Pod Chums is a community of people who effin love podcasting and would rather be in front of a microphone than anywhere else. At Pod Chums, we explore the art and science of all things podcasting. We share thoughts, resources, content and have fun in fellowship and society where podcasting itself is the conversation piece. We support each other and create opportunities such as cross-promotion, guest spots and sponsor pools. We do the things big networks do… for indie podcasters.

If you love podcasting as much as we do, consider joining us!