We Effin Love Podcasting

We just effin love podcasting! We all do other things too, but we’d much rather be podcasting.

Podcasting is an enjoyable way to express creativity through sound and the spoken word. Podcasting is a fantastic medium to explore the topics we love. Podcasting cements friendships and builds communities… like Pod Chums!

We are a group of like-minded creators who share a love for the democratization of ideas and entertainment though podcasting. We mutually promote our art in the busy sea of the podcast world. We share ideas, content and enthusiasm to hone our craft and rejoice in the exuberance of podcasting together.

Pod Chums - We Effin Love Podcasting gif


Milo and Jamie drinking beer at a podcast conference in Seattle with rainy animated bakcground

Milo and Jamie started the popular retro-nostalgia podcast “The 80s and 90s Uncensored” in January 2021. They love hanging out and producing podcasts, sharing knowledge, entertainment and joy across the web waves.

The guys enjoyed collaborating with the community of fellow podcasters they had become part of and wanted to expand their association. Thus, Pod Chums was born.

Founding Members


Katie Geilenkirchen, an 80s baby, is the host of the Retromade podcast. She brings her love for nostalgia and retro movies to the show, where she explores classic films and pop culture from the past. Katie shares her passion for all things vintage with a blend of enthusiasm and insightful commentary. She also enjoys life with her two dogs, Rambo and Balboa.

Amy Lewis

Amy Lewis is the host and producer of the Pop Culture Retrospective Podcast, a show inspired by her sister who tragically passed away in 2019.  As a way of coping with the overwhelming grief, Amy started the show to take a look back at the pop culture of the '80s, '90s, and early 2000s that she experienced with her favorite (and only!) sibling. When she is not busy with the podcast, Amy is a wife to Mandy, a mother to Anderson and Kai, and works as a professional photographer.  

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